Monday, July 6, 2009
Enterprise: Update
After I posted my blog entry about my experience at Enterprise Rent-A-Car's downtown Atlanta location, I sent an email to the Chairman and CEO of Enterprise, Andrew C. Taylor. I was very surprised and pleased to get very swift response. I received an email from the Enterprise Regional Rental Manager. He wrote:
" Mr. Campbell,
My name is Jason De Lucca; I am the Regional Rental Manager over the West Region of Atlanta. I have been made aware of the situation that happened at our Courtland location this past weekend and I would like you to know that on behalf of the Enterprise Rent-A-Car and the Taylor family I truly apologize for this terrible inconvenience!
I would like the opportunity to discuss this with you if possible; is there a phone number you can be reached at? Enterprise Rent-A-Car is fully committed to your complete satisfaction as well as respecting and serving the needs of any person with disabilities.
Again, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you if you are available.
Jason De Lucca"
I spoke with Mr. De Lucca and he assured me that Enterprise is committed to customer satisfaction and in no way encourages the practice. He also told me that he will have a conversation with employees at that location as well as all others within his territory. After our conversation I was satisfied that this was an isolated incident and the company's immediate action to the matter reinforced is apology. Mr. De Lucca at one point asked me what they could do to win me back as a customer. I told him that I was satisfied with them taking action on the matter. He asked me if I would be willing to accept a free weekend rental to make up for the situation. I accepted, however I made it clear that my main concern was for this not to happen to anyone again.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Enterprise Shamefully Advertises Cars In Disabled Parking Spaces

It’s July 4, 2009, and my uncle and I were looking to rent cars for the weekend. My uncle is a long haul truck driver, his truck is being repaired in Wisconsin, and so he was able to get a ride down to Georgia from another driver heading to Florida. We were going to book a car for Friday July 3, but my uncle was running late and didn't get into town until after midnight. The airport location was sold out, so I looked for locations that would be open on Saturday 7/4 and found the Atlanta, 303 Courtland Street location open and they had available cars.
When we pulled into the parking lot, I couldn't help but notice that someone at Enterprise had parked two of their cars in the disabled parking spaces, with signs that said "Rent Me 404-659-6050." I found this to be really distasteful. Perhaps they thought that because it's the 4th of July, that disabled people would be interested in renting a car there. Perhaps they thought that no one would be offended by this.
I find it amazing that management at Enterprise would allow this kind of behavior. It's practically a slap in the face of people that utilize those parking spaces. I think the most sickening thing is not the fact that they parked a car there, but they are using the space to advertise. Needless to say, I decided to not rent the car. I didn’t need to rent a car that bad that I'd give this company my money. So I only got out of the car to take a picture of what this Enterprise location did. Enterprise really should be ashamed of their actions. I don't know if I will ever deal with this company again. I'll wait to see what Enterprise's corporate management has to say before I make a decision.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Atlanta City Council President Victim Of Home Break-in

Lisa Borders, the current Atlanta City Council President and candidate for mayor was the victim of a home break-in this week. According to news reports she was home at the time of the burglary. The intruders got away before the police arrived. She posted on the twitter that she was "Ok", and thanks everyone for the well wishes. When the local news ran the reports of the break-in you could see several Atlanta Police personnel fingerprinting and investigating the incident.
Exactly how many people were assigned to this burglary? I know people that have had their homes broken into, I've been a victim as well. I've even been in a Subway restaurant when it was robbed. Not once in any of those incidents did Atlanta police send the fingerprinting unit to investigate. If you live in the city of Atlanta, you are probably lucky to get one officer to respond within 45 minutes of calling 911.
Did Lisa Borders get special treatment in the investigation of her break-in because she is the City Council President and candidate for mayor? That is probably a question every Atlantan should be answering themselves. As citizens you pay taxes, and if Shirley Franklin had her way you'd be paying more than you already do. So you deserve and should insist on getting the same level of service from law enforcement as Lisa Borders is apparently getting.
I've lived in Atlanta for much of my life. When my home was burglarized in 2005 Atlanta police sent one officer out to take a report. I was referred to a detective that I spoke to over the phone. Even though I had serial numbers of the items taken and a pretty good idea of who the culprit was, nothing more was done on my case. I had over $2000 worth of items taken. No fingerprints were collected and I had to write it off ass a loss. The response times for police in the city, in my experience is unacceptable.
When I was present at the robbery of the Subway sandwich shop on Piedmont Rd, it took over 30 minutes for police to arrive. The suspect was long gone. A man robbed the store at gun point. He threatened to shoot the employees and customers if the manager on duty didn't give him all the money from the back office. Subway employees called police three times. The dispatched said they had problems locating the subway. It was really ridiculous. When police finally arrived, two officers showed up and took statements. They didn't send out a finger printer or a detective. They didn't even call me to follow up on my statement.
I've heard of people having their car stolen and having to wait for police to call them back to make a report over the phone. What's wrong with that picture?
You drive around the city any weekday during the lunch hour, you can find officers in groups of 5 or more gathered at eateries across midtown and downtown Atlanta, yet they don't have officers to send to investigate serious non-violent crimes.
Atlanta Police is already under fire about incidents involving officers. I think response times are horrible in some areas, they obviously are having problems with integrity after the Kathryn Johnston shooting and this latest shooting incident. The leadership at the police department and city executive level is is less than impressive.
Atlanta and its citizens deserves more than they are getting from the mayor and Atlanta Police.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
V-103's "Frank And Wanda Show" Contest Trips
"As I reported back in November I won trips to New York City and Las Vegas as part of a prize package courtesy of V-103’s Frank & Wanda Show anniversary contest. The show selected 10 listeners to receive 10 of Frank and Wanda's 10 favorite things.
My adventure started in New York City, where myself and 9 other winners had the opportunity to see the musical “Wicked.” And what a "Wicked" good time we had. The show was amazing. The hotel we stayed at, the Flatotel was fabulous. We also got the chance to check out NYC, see the sights, sounds and sample the best of New York cuisine. Frank Ski was our host for this trip.
Two weeks later our destination was fabulous Las Vegas. Our accommodations for this trip were at TI: Treasure Island Hotel. As New York was cold, with snow on the ground, Vegas was warm, sunny and lots of people. Somehow I always manage to get to Vegas during college spring break. Our host for this trip was Wanda Smith, and her sidekick the wonderful Miss Sophia.
I would never have guessed I would say this, but Cirque du Soleil’s Mystere, was actually pretty good. The show is very interactive with the audience. I have to admit, the show is pretty impressive. I call it a sensory explosion, as there were performers in front of me, behind me, overhead and even below the stage. It was very entertaining.
Being that this was like my fourth or fifth time in Vegas, I stopped counting a while back.... I tried to do some fun off the
I took a tour of the Ethel M chocolate factory. Ethel M or Ethel Chocolates are the gourmet candy division of M&M's and Mars candy. Ethel was the mother of the company's founder. The factory also has a botanical cactus gardens. All types of cactus species are grown there. What is also interesting about the gardens, the factory uses different techniques to recycle 100% of it wastewater without using harmful chemicals.
Finally I took a trip over to what is called old Vegas. These are the early hotels on and near Fremont street. They are old, but still bustling with life. I’ve been told by some that the odds are much better at these establishments. My luck wasn't so good; I lost $7 on the quarter slots. $10 was my limit; after all we are in a recession.
I have to say thanks to "The Frank and Wanda Show", V-103 and it's staff for the great "recession vacation." In the current economy there would have been no way for me to go to both Las Vegas and New York in the same month. I had a great time. Special thanks to Wanda and her pal George Wallace for inviting us to his "I Be Thinking Show", at the Las Vegas Flamingo.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Oprah Creates Unprecedented Demand For KFC

In Macon, Georgia, where in 2007 the city was named the location of Oprah’s most loyal viewers, had record turnout for the promotion. It was reported that by noon restaurants in the Macon and Warner Robbins area had all served more than 500 meals per store. A KFC manager that has worked for the chain for 29 years said, “It’s not busy here, it’s a blowout.”
But that’s only half the story, KFC’s across the country were caught off guard by the crowds of people trying to redeem coupons. Some stores called in additional help while some turned customers away after running out of supplies. In New York City there were unconfirmed reports that customers staged a protest over not being able to redeem their coupons. The company has denied those reports, only to say that customers were upset. In Greensboro, N.C., traffic was so congested by motorists trying to get to a KFC that police had to block streets and deny access to the restaurant because the lines of cars created a safety hazard.

I’m sure corporations are taking note of the “Oprah Effect.” It’s pretty much a sure thing that anything promoted or endorsed by Oprah, will be an instant hit. From books, music and politicians, Oprah’s word seems to be gold. After all she did pick our nation's President.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
CBS Turns The Lights Out On The Guiding Light

Rumors have been swarming for years that another popular soap would get the ax, many speculated that NBC’s Days Of Our Lives would be the next soap to fall. In the last 15 years NBC has nearly eliminated all of its daytime soap operas. In the 90's it did away with "Generations ", "Santa Barbara", "Another World" and the Aaron Spelling production "Sunset Beach". Days Of Our Lives is the only NBC soap still on the air. Daytime televison is currently feeling the economic pinch, it has been for years now. Shows are tightening it budgets just to remain on the air. Just last month Jess Walton walked off the "Young And The Restless" set over a proposed pay cut. "Y&R" is the number one soap on the air for 16 years running, If they are cutting salaries imagine what the other shows are doing to stay afloat.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Barack Obama Becomes The 44th President Of The United States

Watching the ceremony on television you couldn’t help but see the hope, happiness and joy in the people watching from the National mall. Tears of joy, smiles and an immense sense of pride were just some of expressions that were obvious on the faces of people attending the inauguration. I find it fascinating that on the very steps that were built on the back of slaves hundreds of years ago, now a black man would become President. It took generations of black people being enslaved, beaten, killed and oppressed before this nation would elect a man of color as President, not because of the color of his skin but for his character and intellect. It’s a partial fulfillment of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream. Most civil rights leaders agree that we; as a nation still have lots of work before we truly reach Dr. King’s dream
I only wish that my relatives that lived during the times of segregation and the struggle for civil rights for black people could have been here to witness Barack Obama become President. As the ceremonies on television broadcast I can’t help but think of all those that came before, those that fought for the right to vote, fought for desegregation in schools, those that died so that we could reach this moment in history. I’ve heard news anchors on almost every network ask their black guests, “What you think Dr. Martin Luther King would say about today’s inauguration.” Many people give a similar answer by saying that he would think it was great but there is more work to be done. I think he would probably say something simple like “Well its about time.”
President Obama will hit the ground running. It’s expected that the majority of his cabinet will be confirmed no later than the end of the week. Not a moment too soon, the financial crisis continues to get worst as new set of mortgages are scheduled to reset, banks are having to write down more bad loans because of the increase in unemployment causing many to default on credit cards debts. The President has lots of problems to deal with and so little time in which to do so. The clock has already started on what President Obama and his administration can do fix Americas problems.